Garuda Barre - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Barre with James D'Silva

Date: 5 Jun 2018 - 10 Jun 2018

Course: Garuda Barre

Venue: FIT STUDIO - The Loft, ZA Le Colombier, 83350 Ramatuelle , France

Qualification: 24 PMA CREDITS

Price: 1200€

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

This contemporary barre workout incorporates the physicality and grace of dance. Rhythm and flow are paramount, adagio and allegro are two aspects of movement quality that are constantly introduced and this change of pace makes class a wholesome experience. Here balance and strength work side by side to create a sense of length and flow. Yet again the work moves from remedial to advanced and different strength bands are brought in to widen the repertoire. Each moment is a celebration of movement and Garuda barre triumphs like no other.

After finishing this course you will get 1 month free online access to the Barre DVD

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“James is the only person in the entire world whom I would take any form of teacher training with, and I have known this for years!”Karen Rose