Training the
Garuda way
The Method Taking the Fitness World by Storm
Encompassing the principles of Pilates, the breathwork and asana practices of yoga, the grace and athleticism of dance, Garuda is the face of 21st-century fitness. Where Pilates ends, Garuda begins. Holistic, organic, dynamic – Garuda is the hybrid that is revolutionizing our approach to fitness.
Garuda’s results are striking. Increased strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance, with a greater sense of ease and well-being. Garuda offers a cardiovascular workout while drawing deeply on mental focus and teaching the sacred principle of relaxation within movement. The result is a stronger, leaner body, improved posture and true ease of both movement and mind.

Our Training Programmes
The mission of the Garuda Academy is about cultivating and promoting our students to move away from the traditional formulaic approach and embrace a new way of teaching, the Garuda way.
We have a range of courses to suit your every need, from short courses to intensive training programmes. All these are certified to a high level and are recognised by the Pilates Method Alliance for Continuing Education Credits.
Garuda Equipment
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