Garuda Barre Clinic - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Barre Clinic with James D'Silva

Date: 21 Jul 2014 - 22 Jul 2014

Course: Garuda Barre Clinic

Venue: The Garuda Studio, London

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Garuda Clinic has been organized to review the Garuda principles, dissect the repertoire, revisit hands on & cuing skills. Discuss case studies and emphasize the functionality of the Garuda material.

These clinics are important to create a confidence in the teacher and move the participant on to the next level.

The Garuda Barre Clinic is an essential update and practice opportunity for qualified Garuda Barre Instructors.

For more information please click Garuda July Clinic2014

Request Application Details

“I’ve just finished the seated standing course and am rejoicing in the wonderful feeling of inhabiting my body as if I’ve moved through to a different sense of being alive. This feeling (inadequately described) only comes to me from Garuda. It is ridiculous to say 'thank you' as one would politely say if a door were being held open, but perhaps that is the best analogy. With gratitude. ”Janet Cook