Garuda Barre + Garuda Dhara(Chair) with James D'Silva
Date: 1 Sep 2016 - 5 Sep 2016
Course: Garuda Barre + Garuda Dhara(Chair)
Venue: FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA FITNESS/Centro Studi la Torre via Paolo Costa, 2 - 48121 - RAVENNA - ITALY
For further details email:
Status: Spaces available
Garuda Barre is contemporary barre workout incorporates the physicality and grace of dance. Rhythm and flow are paramount, adagio and allegro are two aspects of movement quality that are constantly introduced and this change of pace makes class a wholesome experience. Here balance and strength work side by side to create a sense of length and flow. Yet again the work moves from remedial to advanced and different strength bands are brought in to widen the repertoire. Each moment is a celebration of movement and Garuda barre triumphs like no other.
Details:GARUDA BARRE 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 settembre RAVENNA
total 20 hours training
1 settembre 14.00 – 18.00
2 settembre 9.00 -13.00
3 settembre 9.00 – 13.00
4 settembre 9.00 – 13.00
5 settembre 9.30 – 13.30
Registration fee: euro 990,00 in a lump-sum or 3 instalments 340 euro each ( 1st WITHIN 30/06/16, 2nd WITHIN 30/07/16, 3rd WITHIN 30/08/16)
Garuda Dhara is the flow that gives us our feeling of centeredness and allows us to keep our sense of movement within and around us. This seated workout simplifies the Seated and Standing Garuda Matwork and makes the more advanced repertoire easily available to the remedial client. A lot of emphasis is placed on energy work and certain aspects of ayurvedic massage and marmara point work are brought in to this meditative practice. Dhara is a very calming and nurturing process. It allows you to discover the root and the essence of your movement. It floods you with the confidence to move and encourages you to cherish the joy of stillness.
Details:GARUDA DHARA CHAIR 2, 3, 4 settembre Ravenna
total 12 hours training
2 settembre 14.00 – 18.00
3 settembre 14.00 – 18.00
4 settembre 14.00 – 18.00
Registration fees: euro 459,00 in a lump-sum , or 2 instalments euro 235,00 each ( 1° rata da versare ENTRO IL 30/07/16, 2° rata ENTRO IL 30/08/16
GAURDA BARRE + GARUDA DHARA CHAIR = 1300,00 in a lump-sum , or 3 instalments of 435,00 each
1st inst WITHIN 30/06/16, 2nd WITHIN 30/07/16, 3rd WITHIN 30/08/16
Please contact for more details (discount if do both courses)