Garuda Chakra - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Chakra with James D'Silva

Course: Garuda Chakra

Venue: The Garuda Studio, London

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Chakra is the defining word that aligns our newly produced form rollers with the work outs we have created in opening, lengthening and strengthening our form. The word aptly described as the energetic wheel, allows us to challenge ourselves proprioceptionally whilst engaging our mental and physical prowess. James has incorporated the Garuda repertoire and cleverly devised the movement material in making it as simple or advanced as the practitioner would require it. Chakra is the wheel of discovery, the energetic wheel that engages your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

For more information, please click Garuda April 2014

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“Thank you so much for this wonderful offering - I was a bit unsure how online training would go (I'm very much a kinaesthetic learner) but it was fabulous and exceeded my expectations.”Lorissa Gilmore