Garuda Inspiration Day - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Inspiration Day with James D'Silva

Date: 22 Feb 2020 - 23 Feb 2020

Course: Garuda Inspiration Day

Venue: 63 Johnston St, Annandale

Price: TBC

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

At Garuda we pride ourselves on our extensive repertoire on Apparatus, Matwork, Barre, and other auxiliary equipment. We use Pilates, yoga and functional training as our base. Our courses are innovative and we constantly encourage our trainees to think out of the box.

Our Garuda Inspiration Day is where you come and train in all these aspects. You are introduced to our philosophy and movement disciplines. A day of work, play, encouragement and fun, an ideal introduction to all aspects of the Garuda method with a view to full teacher training.


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“I’ve just finished the seated standing course and am rejoicing in the wonderful feeling of inhabiting my body as if I’ve moved through to a different sense of being alive. This feeling (inadequately described) only comes to me from Garuda. It is ridiculous to say 'thank you' as one would politely say if a door were being held open, but perhaps that is the best analogy. With gratitude. ”Janet Cook