Garuda Matwork Foundation review - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Matwork Foundation review with James D'Silva

Date: 13 Apr 2015 - 15 Apr 2015

Course: Garuda Matwork Foundation review

Venue: Garuda Studio, 26-28 Finchley Road, London NW8 6ES

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Garuda reviews have been organized to review the Garuda principles, dissect the repertoire, revisit hands on & cuing skills. Discuss case studies and emphasize the functionality of the Garuda material. These reviews are important to create a confidence in the teacher and move the participant on to the next level.

Garuda Foundation Matwork Review: is an essential update and practice opportunity for qualified Garuda Instructors.

For further details please click Garuda April Training & Review 2015_3

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“I’ve just finished the seated standing course and am rejoicing in the wonderful feeling of inhabiting my body as if I’ve moved through to a different sense of being alive. This feeling (inadequately described) only comes to me from Garuda. It is ridiculous to say 'thank you' as one would politely say if a door were being held open, but perhaps that is the best analogy. With gratitude. ”Janet Cook