Garuda Seated & Standing Clinic - The Garuda Studio

Garuda Seated & Standing Clinic with James D'Silva

Date: 23 Jul 2014 - 24 Jul 2014

Course: Garuda Seated & Standing Clinic

Venue: The Garuda Studio, London

For further details email:

Status: Spaces available

Garuda Clinic has been organized to review the Garuda principles, dissect the repertoire, revisit hands on & cuing skills. Discuss case studies and emphasize the functionality of the Garuda material.

These clinics are important to create a confidence in the teacher and move the participant on to the next level.

The Garuda Seated & Standing Matwork Clinic is an essential update and practice opportunity for qualified Garuda Apparatus Instructors.

For more information please click Garuda July Clinic2014

Request Application Details

“Garuda is a beautiful technique James & I wish you to become a reference for the 21 century like Joseph Pilates has been in the 20th Century. And I wish you to see & enjoy it! ”Frederique Redman