Garuda Seated & Standing Matwork with James D'Silva
Date: 1 Apr 2016 - 10 Apr 2016
Course: Garuda Seated & Standing Matwork
Venue: 5579 47 St, Red Deer, AB T4N 6Z4, Canada
For further details email:
Status: Spaces available
This course combines the seated & standing syllabuses in one intensive program, focusing on strength, stability, balance and joint mobility. The movements heal & rejuvenate, working intensely within the fascial lines of the body. At the same time the limbs are constantly challenged through functional training, complex moves committing the core to supporting the frame.
April 1st : 4:30-8:30pm
April 2 & 3: 11am-3pm
April 8: 4:30-8:30pm
April 9&10: 11am-3pm
Price: $1800
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