Yamuna® Foot Fitness Certification (part 1) - The Garuda Studio

Yamuna® Foot Fitness Certification (part 1) with James D'Silva

Date: 26 Feb 2016 - 28 Feb 2016

Course: Yamuna® Foot Fitness Certification (part 1)

Venue: 26-28 Finchley Rd, London NW8 6ES, United Kingdom

Price: $1100

For further details email: yael@yamunausa.com

Status: Spaces available

So many unnecessary injuries in the knees, hips and lower back are caused by a lack of strong foundation in the feet. Fitness begins with the feet. In this training you will learn the YAMUNA protocol for rebuilding healthy, strong, flexible and aligned feet. This is a comprehensive workshop that will enable you to understand foot problems and their relationship to alignment and function of the rest of the body. You will learn the importance of integrating foot fitness into your present practice.

For more information please click here

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“Just writing in to share how practising and teaching Garuda has helped both myself and my clients tremendously. It's been such a pleasure being able to do these virtual classes with James, Aimee and Juliana.”Dorothy Lee